2013年11月14日 星期四

Transcription 2

Ivy: I…I am Ivy.
Zoe: I am Zoe. And we are going to discuss about “Should parent force children in making decision?”

Ivy: Uh… I am opposite side. Uh… There’s a magazine named “bobo小天才雜誌”. (Class laughing) It once to divided all parents into six types. The first type is democratic type. The second type is autocratic type. The third type is neglective type. The forth type’s parents let children do whatever they want to do. The fifth type’s children. Uh… The fifth type’s parents will over protect their children. The sixth type’s parents is lack of unity. I want to focus on the fifth type’s parents who will over protect their children. According to the magazine, those children… those parents will substitute for children to make decision because they think their decision is better than the children, even, it’s the best way. BUT~ the children growing up under this kind’s education will have some negative effect. For example, first, uh… they will take parent’s help for granted. Second, they only think about themselves, so that they can… they can’t get along with others. Third, they uncertain about their own decision and their ability. And this kind parents who is over making decision for children is because they doesn’t distrust their children. In this century, many parents have get used to arrange everything for their children. For example, which school go to, and which instrument or language to learn. But, everyone has their best way to face these problems. Parent’s reference doesn’t mean the answer. And some obstacles can make children stronger. Parents can’t keep company with children forever. What most important they have to do is to provide some appropriate assistance to have their children to learn to how to grow up or protect themselves.

Zoe: Okay, hehe, um, and I am um, approval that parents should push their children to some decisions. Um my annotation 1 is…, the source of my annotation 1 is from Amy chua’s article, tiger mother’s article, that “Why Chinese parents are superior.” And my second annotation is um an article written by Paul Tulis and um he is um describing the research of Se Yeong Kim, a researcher in United States, which, who is researching of the development of children in the immigrant families, for example, like um European father, Ammerican mother, or um Chinese mother, Ammerican father. Yeah, and she separates parents into three categories, the first one is Permissive寬容. The second one is Authoritative權威性. And the third one is Authoritarian獨裁的. And permissive is the combination of high warmth, low control and demandingness. Authoritative is the combination of high responsiveness and negotiation. Authoritarian is um coercion with less responsiveness. And um she also made a chart of the responsiveness of the children of the three categories parents. Um, um, it is a kind of like um, a cross, and um here is high depression, low depression, and here is low achievement, high achievement. And she thinks that the um the harsh one, also the tiger mother is the same as authoritarian is been categorized as low achievement and high depression. And easygoing parents, such as Permissive parents, are categorized as low achievement and low depression. The Supportive parents, also the same as Authoritative parents, are categorized as high achievement and low depression. And um I have gain, um, questioned about the differences between Authoritative and authoritarian so I dig into her article, and her point of view is that both authoritative and authoritarian, they both have um control their children in some kind of way. It only like, um, the difference between authoritative and authoritarian is that their um con… um their extent and their means of control their children, for example, authoritative is more like positive control which um includes parental monitoring and democratic monitoring  While negative control, is um combined with psychological control and punitive parenting. Yeah and to her point of view, she thinks that authoritative is the best way to raise up children. Yeah, and I would like to conclude my annotation1 and annotation2. While um my annotation 2, Se Yeong Kim, um, disagrees with tiger mother. She thinks that tiger mother parenting method would not work. Um but the reason why I chose these two article as my annotations is that they still um both of them still agrees that we should control our children in some way rather than letting them making their own decisions. Yeah.

