2013年10月30日 星期三

Annotation 2

     The magazine called bobo小天才雜誌》, which published in 2008 April, wrote an article about five types of parents’ education. First type is democratic type. The children under this kind of education is usually independent and good at adapting new surroundings. They also like to try new things. The second type is autocratic type. The children under this kind of education is passive, and lack of thinking and criticizing. The third type is neglect type. The children who are usually neglected by parents are easy to debase the confidence and get away from people. The fourth type’s children is often spoiled by their parents. What is special is that the magazine divide the parents of the fourth type into two kind. One is let children do everything they want. The other is over protect their children. The last type’s parent is lack of unity. It makes children difficult to adapt new surroundings, have a sense of security and trust others.

     I want to focus on the second kind of parents of the fourth type. According to the article, this kind of parents often substitute for children to make decision. Because they consider their decision better than children’s, even the best and only way. In addition, their method also cause so negative effect to the children. Those who has been used to parent’s overall arrangement will take parents’ help for granted. Some can’t get along with others because they only think about themselves. Some will feel uncertain about their own decision and ability. In fact, these problems all result from parents’ distrust.

     In this century, parents get used to arrange everything for their children, which school to go to, which instrument and language to learn. It’s normal for parents to give children some advice. After all, parents indeed experience more from the society. However, everyone in this world has their own best way to face any trouble or difficulty. Parents’ idea can be a reference, but it doesn't have to be the answer. Moreover, we can’t deny that some obstacle can make children stronger and easier to solve the problems by themselves. Parents can’t keep their kids company forever. What they can do is to provide an appropriate assistance to train them how to protect and improve themselves.


2013年10月19日 星期六

Annotaion 1

Shelly Li(李雪莉), one of CommonWealth(天下雜誌)’ s editor, once published an essay titled Don’ t be Helicopter Parents in 2007. This article’s main point is obvious. Shelly probed into the circumstance of nowadays about parents’ teaching and discipline.
In the article, Shelly give two examples. One is that a mother was angry at the teacher because the teacher didn’t answer her daughter’s question first. Another example is that a mother being a volunteer who should keep order beside the swimming pool. She ran to her daughter and used hair dryer to blow her daughter’s hair as her daughter walked out from the dressing room.
From the examples above, we can notice that there are more and more parents is easier to over intervene and be over nervous. According to the author, these helicopter parents are born in the period of 1961 to 1976. The children of this period saw the change of society, and try to create more democratic and freer educational way. However, these parents have some problems under the expectation to their “perfect” children. For example, anxiety, uneasy, comparison etc.
Because of helicopter parents, there are many children’s ability of living become poor. They become easier to get anxious as well as parents. As a result, there is more and more problems between parents and children.

In this article, Shelly wrote about the reason and result of helicopter parents. In this part, Shelly gives clear explanation. However, in connection with this situation, Shelly didn’t say how to solve the problems. It’s weakness of this essay. 


2013年10月2日 星期三

Parents’ care, children’s obstacle?

     Because of the trend of fewer children, it’s common that there’s only one or two kids in a family. As a result, this situation makes parents pay more attention on children and want to make their own children become the best one in the society. As a result, in addition to staying with children all the time, if they can, some of parents start to try to control and decide children’s life. However, the more arrangement parents give, the less attempt children have. Maybe it’s cruel to ask people to be totally independent of their parents, because parents’ help somehow still have advantage. But if it goes too far, parents’ care may be injure to children. There is a word called helicopter parents, which means parents always keep an eye on children. They surround their children, telling them what to do, and what not to do. It makes children lost their judgment, and limits children’s ability. Under parents’ big protection, children gradually get used to rely on parents’ supply. According to the research, helicopter parents bring up kidult, which is the combination of kid and adult. Kidult often have some problems. For example, being irresponsible, lack of confidence, over dependent, couldn’t bear frustration, and so on. In 1983, Dan Kiley, the psychologist, had mentioned Peter Pan Syndrome, which describes those who isn’t young, but the way he or she thinks and does is just like a child. Those who under parents’ big protection and order is like Peter Pan, doesn’t want to grow up, only wants to hide in his or her small world, enjoying parents’ supply and protection. But time will go on, it’s impossible for parents to stay with children forever. Their children still have to live on their own. The best way for parents to make their children be better is to let go their hold. When children still have change to fail, to be frustrated, let them experience more defeat and test, so that, they can grow and be stronger. Parents' care doesn't mean everything, there is still something have to let children go through by themselves.